What is six Sigma ?
A vision of quality which equates with only 3.4 defects per million opportunities for each product or service transaction. Strives for perfection. For a service organization this concept will be difficult to measure - they have to measure every service. Its a Greek letter which is a measure, a way of work and a key business plan.
Sigma : 2 - 308537 defects/million opportunities or products
6 - 3.4 defects/million opportunities or products
Is it like TQM:
TQM and continuous improvements are the Qualtiy concepts followed around the world now, but this is a very Dynamic form of Quality improvement.
What more :
DMAIC – (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) is a process for continued improvement. It is systematic, scientific and fact based. This closed-loop process eliminates unproductive steps, often focuses on new measurements, and applies technology for improvement.
How can a company achieve it:
Black Belt – Leaders of team responsible for measuring, analyzing, improving and controlling key processes that influence customer satisfaction and/or productivity growth. Black Belts are full-time positions.
Control – The state of stability, normal variation and predictability. Process of regulating and guiding operations and processes using quantitative data.
CTQ: Critical to Quality (Critical "Y") – Element of a process or practice which has a direct impact on its perceived quality.
Customer Needs, Expectations – Needs, as defined by customers, which meet their basic requirements and standards.
Defects – Sources of customer irritation. Defects are costly to both customers and to manufacturers or service providers. Eliminating defects provides cost benefits.
Green Belt – Similar to Black Belt but not a full-time position.
Master Black Belt – First and foremost teachers. They also review and mentor Black Belts. Selection criteria for Master Black Belts are quantitative skills and the ability to teach and mentor. Master Black Belts are full-time positions.
Variance – A change in a process or business practice that may alter its expected outcome. We should not look at the averages : the variance between the best Product/service to the worst Product/service.
Did any one Achieve it:
Yes some companies have achieved Six Sigma level of Quality : this will surely Delight the Customers. Focus will be on customers too. There is no organization or a body which will certify any company with six sigma. This concept was started by GE and Motorola also achieved this level of customer delight.
Is it a Fad:
I don't know, I came across this in Bharti (Airtel) and I am really interested in this concept of "Customer Delight" as this is almost impossible to achieve : many organizations try hard and quit themselves from this concept. May be we have to wait for an Indian company to come up with Six Sigma. Bharti (Airtel) has plans to launch various six sigma projects, but it just in the planning stage. Hope some visionary Indian company attains this level of service or Quality!
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