First : M Kumaran
IT is a remake of a Telugu movie "Amma nana oru Tamil Ammai" - it means Mom dad and a Tamil Girl. The story starts with Jayam "Ravi" as son of Nadhiya. She lives alone with her son. He becomes a kick boxer, he has great interest in kickboxing and he misses many good opportunities to stay with mom. Then his mom dies ... she asks for a wish ... she sends him to meet his father in Singapore. Kumaran lives there with his Dad who is a 6 time Kick boxing champion. His Dad stays away from them ; due to interest and dedication towards Kick Boxing. Then his Dad created his new family in Singapore. He goes there and he hurts his dad, shows love to his new family and finally wins as a great champion.
Story line
Viveks comedy touch
Hasin : Actress : she is cute (Basically from Kerala)
Bad songs, only 2 ok songs
He never get even a single blow in all the great fights
Too Senti.
Ravi's - Heros voice : not at all like a kick boxer
Overall its a hit in Tamil Nadu, thanks to CM - she banned all VCDs and movies, so the only way to see a movie is thro. theater, So this will become a Hit. I enjoyed the movie, Specially his effort towards action and dance.
Second: 7/G Rainbow colony
A useless- waste guy, love a good looking & rich turned poor girl. He fights in street, get beating in chapel, goes behind her like a dog, does all thing, which make a girl, hate him. But then he keeps on helping her, wants to become a good friend. Sonia is cute in the movie as Anita. Then she decides to love him. She makes him study, act gently, joins him in Hero Honda for a job. Then after enjoying with him she dies. Stupid ending.
Sonia : She is also cute
Youth Movie
Hype it has
Mix of Kadhal Kondaen and Thuluvatho ellazhmai'
Hero : he is not at all good
Psyche approach again
The same goes again, nothing great about this move … just we can see once, all movies are becoming too focused towards Youth. May be the order of the day. Great songs … I loved every one of them. No more VCDs in Chennai … this movie is a BIG HIT!
------ Planning to see couple of English movies too.
Got a chance to see this movie. Regretted every moment of watching it. A cheapp, filthy, frouth rated movie. But heck, my friends didnt allow me to go without watching the full movie. I simply hate this kinda movies!!!!
Don t believe that bullshit Govar posted. He thoroughly enjoyed the movie, in fact, during the senti scenes, i caught him wiping off a tear or two.
LOL Jam. You guys didnt even allow me freedom of expression - going out of the room, and made me watch this shitty movies. Senti, tears, me... good try ;-) Bettter luck next time. :-P
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